Reprint from my Active Rain blog in 2007
There are several key things at play here I've noticed. The yellow signs promoting a FREE CAR WASH next to all of my open house signs definitely draw more traffic. Initially, it drew all the neighbors, which was great since these are potential sellers or people who may know a buyer for my listing.
The best thing however is that it creates an atmosphere that allows for and even inspires visitors to truly engage in a meaningful dialogue with me. They no longer see me as "sales person" and instead see me as a thoughtful and creative guy who works harder and smarter than the average Realtor for his seller clients.
This is totally on purpose and completely staged. I call this "conscious positioning" and it stems from my understanding that it's not "what we say we do" but what people "catch us doing" that builds lasting impressions. I imagine most open house / selling environments are pretty similar, where people seem to be withdrawn and not wanting to be engaged, let alone provide us with their email address and other contact information.
In the environment I've created I find visitors immediately walk in with a positive expectation of me and a genuine desire and willingness to engage me in dialogue. This is on purpose networking!
Watch me demonstrate some powerful tools and dialogue for squeezing more listings from your open houses:
View Simple Listing System Video on Youtube
How many different ways can you think of to set the stage that will inspire people to engage with you at your next open house? I'd love to hear what others come up and wish you all the best of success.
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