Monday, May 24, 2010

Are YOU UsingThe Magic Money Making Business Cards?

This is an email reply to a new agent using the Simple Listing System that I wanted to share and make public. She asked me what it would take to start listing two short sales a week using the tools found right here if you don't already know what I'm talking about.

I'd suggest you do a Google search for business card printing done fast and cheap and get plenty of these suckers quick and be generous in handing them out! In fact, every time you visit a Starbucks you leave 3-5 behind at the condiment bar. If you just keep handing out the card while repeating the magic words over and over this may or may not apply to you but I know you know someone... every chance you get you'll start listing properties in no time.

The Simple Listing System door hangers and business cards will be your best friends if you are consistently delivering them. Can you commit to learning the pitch and then knocking on 100 doors a week and handing them the card or the door hanger? If you do that, you'll list two properties a week. It may take some time as you plod and discover your way through hotter and more productive communities and cooler, less productive ones but in time your story will become rock solid and your ability to nail the best communities for prospecting will sharpen and grow stronger. So will your legs, self confidence and self esteem!

Becoming a listing machine can be fun with the right conversation happening between your ears but it requires dedication and the reliable, methodical, consistent approach of a guy like Lance Armstrong who will wake up every morning and knock out a 70-80 mile spin on his bike before having breakfast and heading to the gym regardless of the weather. The result of that sort of dedication is that you end up with little to no competition!

To a very large degree for many of us this becomes more about mastering the skill of re-inventing ourselves than it is which tool do I use?

You say you want to list 2 a week? That's 8 in a month. That's 24 in 90 days and nearly 100 transactions over 12 months. Let's say you do that and have a 90% close rate - what would that look like? How would your life be different? Hold that vision and know you can easily list 2 a week since others are doing that and more and I'll guarantee that you'll experience wonderful, positive, confidence boosting growth in the direction you're aimed.

On your team!


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