If you need some immediate business, ask yourself: What am I currently doing to get referrals from my sphere of influence? Sometimes it can be as simple as picking up the phone and saying, "Hey mom I need your help. Please don't keep me a secret". My Money Making Business cards have produced some great results for agents. You can often times generate an immediate referral by slipping 3 or 4 of them into a card with a hand written personal note to your friends, family and advocates letting them know about your book (see www.SimpleListingSolutions.com to get your own) and asking them to help you make others aware of it. Your friends, family, past clients, advocates, teammates, dentist, chiropractor....all want to help but you have to ask! People enjoy helping people. We all feel good when we help others but we often have to confront our own issues about not wanting to ask for help, as if we somehow don't deserve it when in fact, we do!
Remember that when asking for help, you need to be clear on the kind of help you'd like. When someone asks you how to help you need to be able to respond with clear instructions like this: "Well, I've put together a book that will let people understand the options they have if they currently owe more on their home or investment property than it's worth. Can you think of someone you might know at your work or church or gym who might currently be in that situation? Would you give them my card and let them know that they can visit my website to get this book?
Stay in touch with your sphere of influence constantly and you will stay "top of consciousness" with them when they run into a friend or colleague who could use some good real estate advice and assistance. Slip off peoples radar screens or create the impression you don't need anybody's help and who knows what's slipping right by!
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